Knowledge Synthesis

Company fRI Research
Location Remote
Published Jan 16, 2025
Closing Feb 15, 2025
Category Job Board
Attachment Knowledge-Synthesis-RFP.pdf

Changes to forest management to address caribou habitat needs have often been looked at solely in the context of impacts on caribou, but there is growing recognition that conservation and recovery efforts for species at risk need to consider the species they interact with and the ecosystem. This synthesis project will build upon completed and ongoing work funded by the forest sector by collating and synthesizing available research and population inventory data on how forest management strategies designed to support/enhance caribou might influence moose and predators on a common landscape.

Knowledge to be included in the synthesis should focus on the forested land base of Alberta and British Columbia, although relevant information from forested areas elsewhere in Canada can also be included.


fRI Research is requesting proposals from qualified entities to synthesise knowledge on how forest management strategies designed to support/enhance caribou populations and habitat supply might influence moose habitat supply and predator movements on a common landscape.


  • A final synthesis technical report for program partners, including a compendium of research publications and materials on this topic. This report will then be adapted for publication in a scientific journal.
  • Synthesis report suitable for the public.
  • Webinar to summarize final findings
  • Work with fRI Research communications team to develop communication materials for FRIAA and stakeholders.
  • Quarterly reports to project manager
  • Quarterly meetings with partners

Final report deadline: June 1st 2025

Scope of Services and Expectations

The selected contractor is expected to have overall responsibility for delivery of the services indicated above and in Appendix A, including, but are not limited to, the following:

General Services:

  • Comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations governing such projects, including but not limited to those that relate to:
    • Protection of personally identifiable information
    • Data protection and security
  • Comply with all applicable terms and conditions of agreements between fRI Research and third parties.
  • Maintain liability insurance and all sub-contractors, suppliers and vendors, in the types and amount set forth in Appendix A, Contract, Insurance and Regulatory Requirements, attached and made a part hereof.
  • Comply with any fRI Research rules, requirements or directives as set forth in Appendix A or provided prior to contract execution.


The selected vendor is expected to have the experience, resources, qualifications, and capacity to successfully meet the objectives of this RFP, including:

  • Proficiency with similar projects;
  • Experience providing similar services;
  • Appropriate technical expertise, staff capability, and fiscal resources.

Proposal Content

Proposals should be clear and concise and should address in detail and with appropriate documentation each of the items listed below. Proposals that fail to do so may be disqualified as non-responsive. fRI Research may request clarification of any proposal during the evaluation process, but it is not bound to do so, and proposers should not assume they will have any further opportunity to clarify their proposals after the proposal due date.

Each proposer is requested to submit a technical and financial proposal, on or before the submission deadline, and a package containing its proposal addressing the following items in the order listed:

Technical Proposal

The final proposal must be no longer than 5 pages (exclusive of citations and appendices).

1. Contact Information

On a single cover sheet, please provide:

  1. The proposer's name.
  2. The proposer’s contact person.
  3. Contact information for the principal(s) or lead individual(s) who are expected to work   on the project, including e-mail addresses, main telephone, fax and mobile telephone numbers.
  4. Street address and web address of proposer.
  5. Year proposer was established.
  6. Size of proposer.
  7. List of proposed staff assigned to this project.
  8. Signature of Principal and date of the signature.

2. Personnel - list the project lead and all individuals assigned to the research project and their roles and responsibilities

3. Qualifications – including summary of education, previous projects, list of publications and technical reports produced by all personnel [please provide detailed information in an Appendix]. See further details under ‘Qualifications’ below.

4. Overview

Proposers should provide a summary of their understanding of the objectives of this RFP and a description of the methods they will use to achieve those objectives, including technical quality assurance, and general management practices for comparable projects.

5. Methodology

Proposers should provide a description on their proposed approach to the services requested in the Deliverables, including details on how they will find and access existing literature – both peer-reviewed and grey literature, a work breakdown, and a timeline for deliverables.

6. References

Proposers are requested to provide examples of up to five (5) similar projects, recently completed or in progress, with the following information for each:

  • Client
  • Description of the work
  • Name of a contact person who can provide a reference or site visit.

References may be contacted directly by fRI Research.


Please provide detailed information that demonstrates the following:

  • experience synthesising scientific literature for technical and non-technical audiences
  • demonstrated staff knowledge and expertise in boreal mammals, specifically caribou and moose, and forest management in Canada
  • knowledge of forest management policies and silvicultural techniques in Alberta
  • demonstrable commitment to diversity and inclusion of staff
  • list of publications
  • educational credentials

Fee Proposal

For the purposes of this RFP, proposers are requested to provide hourly billing rates, which will form the basis of any fixed cost or not-to-exceed proposal for each deliverable under the Agreement. Proposers should also indicate the availability of any volume-based discounts, non-profit client discounts, or tiered pricing.

Please complete the table below with proposed hourly billing rates and include any indirect costs into the rate, noting the minimum billing increment, and include any indirect costs in the proposal. If one staff member is working on more than one deliverable, please use a new line for each deliverable.

Fee Proposal Breakdown: fRI Research                                                         RFP: Knowledge Synthesis

Vendor’s Name:


1. Fees

Hourly Rate
Allocated Hours
Use as many lines as needed

2. Other Direct Costs

Use as many lines as needed

Total Costs:     $0.00

Total Cost per Deliverable:

Deliverable Cost (CAD)
Use as many lines as needed

General Conditions of Proposal Submissions

The following general conditions apply to all proposals submitted in response to any RFP issued by fRI Research.

  • Non-Binding: fRI Research’s solicitation of proposals in response to any RFP does not commit fRI Research to award a contract, and this RFP is not an offer to enter into a contract for the services to be provided as described herein.
  • Proposal Materials and Costs: fRI Research is not liable for any costs incurred in the preparation, submission or negotiation of a response to its RFP or incurred for any other purpose or reason in connection with the RFP. No materials submitted with this RFP will be returned.
  • Confidentiality: All information and material contained in any fRI Research RFP or issued by fRI Research or any of its agents as part of any fRI Research RFP process is confidential and is the exclusive property of fRI Research.
  • Modifications: As a condition of award, fRI Research may request any proposer to make revisions, additions, or deletions to its proposal.
  • Subcontractors: After award of contract, fRI Research will have no obligation, financial or otherwise, to any subcontractor of the awardee. Nevertheless, any subcontract will be required to be subject to and consistent with the prime contract between fRI Research and the awardee, and fRI Research may require any subcontract to include specific terms and conditions.
  • Reserved Rights: fRI Research at any time in its sole discretion may, without notice and without liability to any proposer or any other party for their expenses incurred in the preparation of the responses hereto or otherwise, do any and all of the following:
  • o Amend or withdraw this RFP;
  • o Accept or reject any and all proposals received in response to this RFP;
  • o Award the contract to a proposer other than the proposer offering the lowest fee;
  • o Request additional materials and clarification or modification of any submitted proposal;
  • o Extend the time for submission of all proposals after notification to all prospective proposers;
  • o Terminate negotiations with a selected proposer and select another proposer;
  • o Take such action as fRI Research deems appropriate if negotiations fail to result in a signed agreement within a reasonable amount of time;
  • o Terminate or modify the solicitation and selection process at any time and re-issue the solicitation to whomever fRI Research deems appropriate.

The selected vendor will be required to execute a written agreement with fRI Research, generally consistent with the terms set forth herein, including the fRI Research standard terms and conditions, a most recent version of which is attached in Appendix A hereof.

Criteria for Selection

Selection Process

  • fRI Research will review and evaluate all proposals to determine each proposer's rating. This evaluation may include a request by fRI Research to interview proposers and visit their offices for purposes of clarifying their proposals.
  • The proposal offering the most advantageous terms based on the criteria below will be selected for the award. fRI Research may reject any and all proposals if, in its sole opinion, no proposal satisfies its criteria.

Evaluation Criteria

  • The vendor’s technical capability to provide the services (30%);
  • Project related experience of the proposed staff (20%);
  • Proposed methodology for executing the scope of work (25%);
  • Client references (5%);
  • Proposed fee (20%).



These terms and conditions for fRI Research Agreements (“Standard Terms and Conditions”) are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement between the Parties identified on the foregoing Term Sheet as of the date specified in the Term Sheet. Defined terms in these Standard Terms and Conditions, unless the context requires otherwise, have the same meanings as defined in the Term Sheet or elsewhere in this Agreement.

1. Services

  • fRI Research hereby engages the Independent Consultant to perform and deliver and the Consultant agrees to perform and deliver the following functions, duties, matters and services (hereinafter referred to as "services") as described in and in accordance with this Agreement and Schedule "A".
  • The Consultant agrees to perform and deliver the services:
  • to the satisfaction of the Company and in accordance with high standards of professional quality; and
  • in accordance with the descriptions, terms, conditions and specifications set forth in this Agreement including the Incorporated Materials and shall follow the directions of the Company in that regard.
  • The President or his designated officer is entitled to inspect the services and work relating thereto whether in preparation or completed and delivered and is entitled to order re-execution at the Consultant's expense of any services and work relating thereto which in his opinion does not adhere to the descriptions, terms, conditions and specifications contained in this Agreement including the Incorporated Materials.
  • The Consultant undertakes and agrees to furnish all personnel, labor, materials, supplies, plant, tools, implements and transportation (unless otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement) together with all work incidental thereto, necessary or required to perform all the services described in this Agreement. The Consultant is solely responsible for informing itself as to, and shall bear all costs arising as a result of, any and all conditions and circumstances that may relate to or have impact on the proper carrying out and completion of this Agreement.
  • The Consultant shall at all times enforce discipline and good order among its employees and shall not employ in or for the performance of the services and work relating thereto any unfit person or anyone not mature, qualified or skilled in the work assigned to that person. Any persons employed on the services and work relating thereto who are not mature, qualified or skilled, or who become intoxicated, intemperate, disorderly, incompetent or willfully negligent, shall be removed from the work site or other place of performance of the services and work relating thereto.
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